Understanding Jesus' Teaching: "By their fruits you will know them"

Understanding Jesus' Teaching: "By their fruits you will know them"

In the weekday Gospel readings for this season of Ordinary Time, Cycle A, we've been delving into Matthew's narration of Jesus' public ministry. Recently, a passage caught my attention, where Jesus shared with His disciples a crucial observation on how to discern a true prophet:

“By their fruits you will know them.”

Twice within 5 verses (Mt. 7: 16, 20), He emphasizes this standard, not only for His disciples but for all of us. It made me realize the importance of taking this teaching to heart, especially in evaluating my own fidelity to His call.

However, there's a hidden danger in this self-appraisal.

While it's necessary to be thorough and honest in assessing our efforts and their outcomes, it's just a part of the picture. The rest of the picture focuses on God's role in our endeavors. As St. Paul reminds us, “All things work for the good for those who love God” (Romans 8:28).

Yes, sometimes our efforts may yield imperfect fruits. But it's God who provides the pruning. Our job is to surrender that task to His love and grace.

By Fr. Mike French, SJ