Exploring the Promise of Eternal Life: Reflections on Easter

Exploring the Promise of Eternal Life: Reflections on Easter

As Easter dawns upon us, it's an opportune moment to delve into the profound promise of eternal life extended by Jesus.

Firstly, it's crucial to grasp that Jesus wasn't alluding to some abstract, distant concept. He spoke of life—the very essence of our existence, from infancy to old age.

This leads us to the realization that eternal life will be communal. It won't be a solitary journey but one intertwined with familiar faces—parents, siblings, spouses, children, friends—all united in the embrace of everlasting love.

Furthermore, Jesus, as the embodiment of life, exemplified a way of being that transcended mere existence. His earthly life was a testament to unwavering love, devoid of hatred or vengeance. He epitomized the pursuit of goodness, perpetually aligned with the divine will.

And then, there's the revelation that shatters conventional notions—we're not venturing to some distant realm. Rather, Jesus proclaimed His return to this very earth, accompanied by angels and saints. As foretold by the apostle Paul, this divine arrival will herald a transformative renewal, where the earthly splendors we cherish will be magnified in their celestial glory.

While the intricacies of heavenly existence may elude us, the promise of such a transcendent reality is undeniably captivating—a future brimming with peace, abundance, and divine magnificence.

Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J