The Pursuit of Joy: A Different Path

The Pursuit of Joy: A Different Path

If there's one goal that always seems to take first place in my daily search for peace and meaningfulness, it's joy. Our contemporary culture often suggests ways to achieve this happy state. Usually, these paths are marked by milestones that measure our happiness in terms of security: How much control do I have? What strategies have I set in place to manage adversities?

Somehow, we all come up short in that pursuit. There is always more we feel we need to do to be really “safe.” But Jesus proposes a radically different path to happiness. Over and over in the Gospels, He offers us a blessed assurance that rests not in what we can accomplish, but in how much we are aware of our Father’s love and gifts to us. And in how often, and how completely, we give voice to our gratitude to Him.

When Jesus cured the ten lepers, and only one returned to give thanks, He asks in sadness, “Where are the other nine?” (Luke 17:17) Only one had found the real grace that healing was opening him to receive.

Don't be among the other nine.

In all circumstances give thanks, for this is the will of God for you in Christ Jesus. (1 Thessalonians 5:18)

Fr. Mike French, SJ