Embracing Asceticism in a Secular World: A Quiet Commitment to Faith

Embracing Asceticism in a Secular World: A Quiet Commitment to Faith

In the early Church, asceticism took center stage, with many individuals retreating to desolate landscapes, subsisting on meager rations, and devoting themselves to prayer. While such extreme practices may seem distant from our modern lives, asceticism persists in subtler, yet equally profound ways.

In our contemporary world, characterized by secularism and turmoil, our asceticism is quieter, almost concealed from view. Despite the prevailing skepticism and chaos, we maintain our faith in Jesus Christ, steadfastly clinging to hope amidst the backdrop of senseless violence.

Amidst media sensationalism and the proliferation of misinformation, we entrust ourselves to the guidance of the Holy Spirit, confident that truth will prevail within us.

Asceticism permeates every stage of life. Parents exhibit it through selfless sacrifice, adolescents navigate its challenges, and the elderly embody it through enduring patience.

Each day, amidst a culture increasingly indifferent to matters of faith, we rise to greet the Lord in prayer, steadfast in our devotion despite societal trends. In a world where sexual indulgence runs rampant, we uphold the virtue of chastity, unwavering in our commitment to God's teachings.

Though our asceticism often goes unnoticed or is met with derision, we persevere, quietly embracing prayer, trusting in God's providence, and extending love to one another in the name of Jesus Christ.

Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.