Trusting Jesus

Trusting Jesus

In our faith journey, we might ponder the depth of trust we have in Jesus, questioning if He truly holds us in His heart and if He will lead us to life. These moments of doubt are met with the most consoling words in scripture, a reminder that today, and every day, like that thief next to Jesus at the cross, we are promised a place with Him in Paradise.

As He shares our cross, we recognize the power of Jesus' assurance, understanding it as a cornerstone of our faith. His words are not just a promise but a testament to the unwavering love and grace He extends to us. He wants to share our crosses. It's in these affirmations that we find solace, knowing that our trust in Him is not misplaced but deeply rooted in His divine desire to share everything with us, including our crosses.

As we navigate the challenges of life, these words become our beacon, guiding us towards a deeper connection with Jesus. They remind us that our faith is not in vain, that in Jesus, we find a relentless advocate, a friend who assures us of our place in Paradise. This promise is not just for the future; it's a present reality that shapes our faith and actions, encouraging us to live in a way that reflects our trust in His word, as we share not just our crosses, but also our joys.

Embracing this promise, we move forward with confidence, inspired by Jesus' consoling words. We understand that our journey with Him is not just about reaching Paradise but about experiencing His presence and grace in every moment of our lives. His promise is about the fullness of life He wants to share with us.