Embracing Dependence: A Reflection on Divine Delight

Embracing Dependence: A Reflection on Divine Delight

Meet Jennifer:

At the age of forty, Jennifer welcomed her first baby into the world. Already a seasoned professor in a prestigious law school, she had navigated the corridors of power in Washington and argued cases in federal courts. However, motherhood brought a revelation she never anticipated. Holding her newborn close, Jennifer marveled at how utterly another person could depend on her—for everything, day and night.

A Divine Parallel:

Jennifer's experience mirrors the profound relationship between God and His people. In Micah 7:18, we're reminded that God's love knows no bounds, as He delights in mercy and loving-kindness. Just as Jennifer found joy in her baby's dependence, God takes immense delight in His creation, especially in humanity—a creation fashioned from the dust of the earth yet imbued with self-awareness and the capacity to marvel at His wonders.

God's Radiant Delight:

As we acknowledge our dependence on God for every aspect of our lives, His delight in us becomes radiant. Scripture assures us that the Lord delights in prospering His people (Deuteronomy 30:9), rejoicing in our reliance on Him, day in and day out.

A Source of Joy:

Just as Jennifer found happiness in her baby's dependence, so does God find joy in our unwavering trust in Him—for everything, every moment of the day and night. Embracing our dependence on God becomes a source of profound delight for both us and our Creator.

By Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J