Overcoming Judgment and Gossip: A Path to Spiritual Growth

Overcoming Judgment and Gossip: A Path to Spiritual Growth

As a Spiritual Director and confessor at Montserrat retreats, I've encountered a common struggle among many individuals: the challenge of harshly judging others or succumbing to gossip despite sincere efforts to stop.

Clarification Matters:

Before delving deeper, it's crucial to clarify our definitions. When we speak of "judging," we're not referring to discerning between right and wrong but rather fixating on others' faults destructively. Similarly, gossip isn't merely sharing necessary information but delighting in speaking ill of others. Mere attempts to stop these behaviors often prove ineffective.

An Indirect Approach:

Instead of directly combating these tendencies, consider an indirect approach. Harsh self-judgment often underlies judgmental attitudes toward others. Begin by cultivating awareness of your inner dialogue and how you treat yourself. Then, contemplate how Jesus' love and mercy might address these self-criticisms. Embrace the patience and tenderness with which God invites us to grow.

Transformation Through Self-Compassion:

Over time, adopting a more compassionate self-dialogue can positively influence your interactions with others. As you extend kindness to yourself, you'll naturally extend it to others, fostering healthier relationships and spiritual growth.

By Fr. Pepe Ruiz, S.J.