Finding Comfort in Mourning: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Finding Comfort in Mourning: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Jesus said, "Blessed [happy] are they who mourn, for they will be comforted."

Mourning typically involves grieving over death, but today's world presents us with numerous reasons to mourn. From the sufferings in Ukraine and Niger to the epidemic of suicide and drug deaths in our own nation, and the plight of the world's poor, there is much to mourn.

But what does it mean to be comforted? In Jesus' parable of the rich man and Lazarus, the sinful rich man suffers in Hell while Lazarus finds comfort. For those who mourn, this promise brings hope of being comforted in heaven.

Yet, what about now? How do we find comfort in the face of personal loss, societal suffering, and pervasive falsehoods? Here are three thoughts:

  1. Divine Listening: We find comfort in knowing that God hears our prayers for our loved ones and even our enemies.

  2. Trusting Providence: Believing that we are aligning with God's will provides a mature form of comfort, knowing that He will care for what comes next.

  3. Divine Empathy: Recognizing that Almighty God mourns and suffers alongside us offers the greatest comfort. He accompanies us in both our joy and our sorrow.

Our comfort lies in Christ Jesus. As we pray for His kingdom to come, we find solace in His promise to return with His angels and saints to renew all things. Our repeated prayer, "Thy kingdom come," will be fulfilled, and that is our ultimate comfort.

By Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.