Blessed Are the Meek: Embracing Strength in Humility

Blessed Are the Meek: Embracing Strength in Humility

"Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the land." - Jesus

Meekness is often misunderstood as weakness. In reality, it is strength contained and controlled. Jesus exemplified this strength when He visited the Gadarenes. There, He cast out many devils from a violent man, causing fear among the keepers of a herd of pigs and the locals. Despite His power to heal more of their sorrows, they asked Him to leave, and He complied. This act of meekness demonstrated Jesus’ confidence in the Father's plan, showing that we don't need to control everything.

Jesus emphasized His own meekness: "Learn of me, for I am meek and humble of heart." When we choose not to correct someone, even if we could, or when we refrain from insisting on our way, we are imitating Jesus. This is meekness—grace-filled, hidden strength.

Continuing in this practice is essential because Jesus will return as the King of kings and ruler of all nations. Those who embody meekness will inherit His kingdom. This is a blessed and happy thought.

By Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.