Speaking Love: Embracing the Consequential Word

Speaking Love: Embracing the Consequential Word

The most significant word ever uttered resonates through eternity: the Word incarnate, spoken by God into human flesh. In our divine image, we, too, are called to speak profound words into our world.

Embracing Love's Expression:

Our journey begins by articulating love to those closest to us—parents, siblings, relatives—and ultimately to God. Yet, infusing our words with holiness, devoid of selfishness, proves challenging. We are, after all, born into sin, speaking from flawed hearts.

Finding Redemption in Confession:

Thankfully, God provides a sanctuary for our flawed expressions—the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Here, with humility and honesty, we confess our sins, seeking forgiveness. Through this cleansing, we pave the way to speak our most authentic words.

From Cleansed Hearts to Authentic Expressions:

With hearts purified by divine grace, we speak love sincerely to God and to all within our lives. This consequential utterance, "I love you," becomes a beacon of light, illuminating our relationships with genuine affection and compassion.

By Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.