Resolving Conflict: Jesus’ Guide to Addressing Sin in Relationships

Resolving Conflict: Jesus’ Guide to Addressing Sin in Relationships

In Matthew 18:15-20, Jesus provides clear guidance for resolving conflicts when someone has sinned against you. This process can effectively foster understanding and reconciliation in our relationships after such situations occur. While last week we addressed handling regular interactions, this week, we focus on navigating more challenging scenarios involving sin. Thankfully, our faith offers a structured approach to these sticky situations. It's crucial to follow the steps in the correct order to avoid worsening an already delicate situation.

Step 1: Talk to the Person in Private

First, address the issue directly with the person who has sinned against you. This allows for an open and honest conversation, giving the individual an opportunity to apologize, make amends, or clarify misunderstandings.

Step 2: Involve a Neutral Third Party

If the issue remains unresolved after the initial conversation, consider involving a neutral third party who can facilitate further dialogue and mediate the situation, or simply act as a witness.

Step 3: Bring the Issue to the Community

If the problem persists after these efforts, it may be necessary to bring it to the attention of the community. This might involve informing others who interact with the person to protect them or involving legal or judicial entities, depending on the situation. Skipping steps 1 and 2 can lead to unnecessary escalation and polarization.

Seeking Reconciliation and Understanding

By following this process, we aim to seek reconciliation, encourage conversion, and promote dialogue. This approach helps foster stronger relationships and empowers us to courageously reclaim our voice without getting stuck when progress stalls. It acknowledges the reality of living in a sinful world and offers a path forward.