Posts in Conflict Resolution
The Path to Reconciliation: More Than Just Forgiveness

Reconciliation is about moving forward together, with a renewed sense of understanding and empathy. It's a powerful process that can heal and strengthen relationships, but it's important to recognize that it's not always possible or appropriate in every situation.

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The Healing Power of Forgiveness

Knowing that our Heavenly Father forgives our sins allows us to forgive. This spiritual dimension of forgiveness highlights its importance not just in our relationships with others, but in our relationship with God.

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Navigating Conflict with Compassion: The Power of Reproach

A Place for Reproach: Strengthen bonds through compassionate reproach; there’s courage and kindness in speaking the truth when someone has let you down.

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Resolving Conflict: Jesus’ Guide to Addressing Sin in Relationships

Direct Communication, A witness/mediator, Community Engagement: If unresolved, involve the community or necessary entities for resolution.

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Embracing the Blessing of Poverty in Spirit: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Discover the true essence of being blessed and happy in this insightful blog post by Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J. Delve into the concept of being "poor in spirit" as Jesus taught, where gratitude transforms everything into a gift.

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Stop Talking And Listen

Perhaps you've heard these words from your spouse or good friend. Truth be told, it seems that many people these days have very little practice in being quiet and still--think of movie theatres, liturgical services, wakes, and even silent retreats.

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Waiting, But Not Alone

Everything about Advent points to the future. Here are some thoughts about that. First, getting to the future means waiting. You have to wait. Mary had to wait, and Joseph, too. He had to wait because he's the one who will give the baby His name.

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