Posts in Christian Living
Blessed Are the Meek: Embracing Strength in Humility

Unveiling Meek Strength: Discover the powerful paradox of meekness as Jesus exemplifies grace-filled hidden strength in unexpected ways. Explore the profound implications of imitating Christ's meekness, a virtue that holds its own against all odds. By Fr. Joe Tetlow, SJ

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Embracing the Blessing of Poverty in Spirit: Insights from Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J.

Discover the true essence of being blessed and happy in this insightful blog post by Fr. Joe Tetlow, S.J. Delve into the concept of being "poor in spirit" as Jesus taught, where gratitude transforms everything into a gift.

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Understanding Jesus' Teaching: "By their fruits you will know them"

Fr. Mike French, SJ, dives into a powerful Gospel passage of knowing a tree by their fruits, and people by their actions. But there's a twist: this self-appraisal journey holds hidden insights.

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Exploring the Purpose of a Silent Retreat

St. Ignatius says that there are three purposes for doing a SILENT retreat. 1) From the point of view of God, 2) From our own point of view, and benefit, and 3)From the perspective of the Relationship we have with God.

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Embracing Dependence: A Reflection on Divine Delight

Just as Jennifer found happiness in her baby's dependence, so does God find joy in our unwavering trust in Him—for everything, every moment of the day and night. Embracing our dependence on God becomes a source of profound delight for both us and our Creator.

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Speaking Love: Embracing the Consequential Word

From the cherished "I love you" to the challenges of making it holy and selfless, Fr. Joe Tetlow’s blog post reveals the sacred journey of expressing love to our parents, siblings, friends, and even our enemies; and then to the one who has express his love for us first. The creator God.

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Embracing the Divine Choice: A Reflection on God's Word of Love

In the gentle whispers of His Word, God inscribes upon our hearts and minds the law of love—a blueprint for our existence, guiding us toward the path of ultimate happiness and fulfillment. As King David eloquently expressed, "I delight to do your will, O my God; your law is within my heart" (Psalm 40:8).

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Embracing the Mystery: Believing in the Holy Spirit

"We are stardust, breathed to life by the Holy Spirit. Baptized in Christ, we're called to bring peace and kindness to a desolate world. We are the leaven, the Kingdom right at hand.We live in Christ, and the tree of faith keeps growing. Let's keep praying to truly mean it. #IgnatianSpirituality"

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Navigating Sorrow with Compassion: Lessons from St. Paul

In difficult times, we turn to our friends in the Lord to share our struggles. St. Paul, who also endured similar conversations, reminded the early Church to be kind, forgiving, and bear one another's burdens. As we support our friends in their mournful moments, we remember Jesus' words, "Happy are those who mourn."

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Reflecting on God's Love: Three Characteristics to Consider This Lent

As we enter the Lenten season, it's essential to pause and contemplate the significance of this time in our relationship with God. Lent is a period to rejoice in God's love, and here are three key characteristics of His love to ponder:

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Exploring Lenten Practices: Prayer, Almsgiving, and Fasting in Relationships

The blog explores Lenten practices of prayer, almsgiving, and fasting in relation to becoming more loving in three aspects. Prayer helps refocus on God, almsgiving sensitizes to others' needs, and fasting helps heal our relationship with ourselves. Ultimately, these practices can transform our relationships.

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